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Truck accidents in Virginia

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2024 | Truck Accidents

Truck accidents in Virginia can result in catastrophic injuries, as well as death. The size and weight of the commercial trucks involved can make these accidents so much more severe than accidents that solely involve passenger vehicles.

Common causes of truck accidents

There are several factors that may contribute to Virginia truck accidents. Many of these causes involve negligence, or a breach of duty by the truck driver, truck owner, or trucking company. Some of the most common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Driver fatigue: The FMSCA has set regulations limiting the number of hours drivers can be behind the wheel before they must take a break. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in driver fatigue.
  • Improper maintenance: Commercial trucks must receive regular maintenance to ensure tires, brakes, engines, and other parts meet all safety standards.
  • Improper cargo loading: Trucking regulations specify the maximum load weight trucks are allowed to carry and how to properly load cargo onto the trucks. Failure to properly load cargo can make it more difficult to stop a truck and avoid an accident.
  • Distracted driving: Drivers who text, make phone calls, eat, or read while behind the wheel may be unable to stop their trucks in time to avoid an accident.

Filing a lawsuit after a truck accident

If your vehicle was struck by a commercial truck in Virginia, you may have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the truck driver, as well as the trucking company that employs them. You will likely have to use driving logs, maintenance records, photos and videos from the scene of the crash, and witness and expert testimony to prove that the driver and the trucking company were negligent. You may also establish that the trucking company was vicariously liable for their truck driver’s negligence.