It’s normal to feel concerned after a car accident and not know what your next steps should be. There are several types of information that are useful to gather and may support a claim for compensation against the other driver. Collecting information Once you have...
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Year: 2023
Understanding accident reconstruction methods
Many media reports of motor vehicle accidents end with the phrase “The investigation is continuing.” This sentence may seem incongruous - how can an investigation be continued after the debris from the scene of accident is cleaned up? The answer lies in the fact that...
Seeking compensation for medical malpractice injuries
If you are hurt by a healthcare professional, you may have a claim for medical malpractice. Medical malpractice happens when a provider acts negligently, and it causes injury or harm to a patient. You may be eligible to receive compensation for medical expenses, pain...
Can you relocate with your child after your divorce?
Americans move once every five years on average, according to some estimates. Some of us do it for education, some for health reasons, some for work and some for love. A lot of us move just because we feel we need a change, and we want to enjoy our freedom. However,...
Does minimum auto liability cover deer accidents?
Virginia has that perfect mix of city and country all over the state. Like many other states, we often share the road with different types of vehicles and wildlife. Deer are one of the most common and costly types of animals to enter the roadways. But, will minimum...
What do you need to do after a car accident?
The days, weeks, and even months following a car accident can feel like a blur. Your normal life can be eviscerated, leaving you riddled with uncertainty about how to make ends meet and minimize the impact your accident injuries have on your life. But as you’re...
Who is liable for my dog bite injuries?
Even the most loving dogs can become provoked or aggravated and end up attacking a human being or another animal. If you have been injured by another person’s dog, you may be able to recover damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress....
Can you really get PTSD from a car accident?
Car accidents do not cause only physical injuries. They can also lead to emotional injuries that can also include post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is a mental health condition that occurs after someone experiences a life-threatening situation. It can also occur...
Are there common mistakes that I can avoid in my divorce?
Virginia divorces are seldom easy. But, as you likely know, they are exceedingly common. This means that we can look to mistakes that others have made and endeavor to do better ourselves to get better outcomes. Understand the grounds for divorce First, understand the...
The many ways truck drivers can become distracted
Everyone is aware of the dangers of distracted driving on Virginia’s many busy roads and highways, and truck drivers are just as susceptible to distracted driving as the rest of us. Distracted driving is especially dangerous when it involves a truck because truck...